Sqn Ldr Cyril S 'Bam' Bamberger DFC* AE* 1919-2008
Born in Port Sunlight on 4/5/19, he joined the RAFVR in 1938 . He shot down two Me109’s in his Spitfire (at Hawarden and Hornchurch). Later, in 1941 he volunteered for Malta and shot down two Ju 87’s. He was commissioned in 1942 and then volunteered for North Africa and shot down another Ju 87 (Sicily) and damaged another ( Italy - 1943) and was awarded the DFC on 28/9/43. In Italy he shot down another 109 and damaged another. On 3/7/45 he was awarded a Bar to his DFC at Buckingham Palace from the King. He served in RAF Intelligence during the Korean War.
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